Sunday, 20 November 2016

Does the UHI Affect Climate Models?

Initially I had planned for this update to be on discussing the different approaches to modelling the UHI and some of the difficulties associated with it over the years. I decided to push the topic to next week as i've come across a few people recently who seem confused about how we claim to predict climate change whilst we know of the existence of a phenomenon (UHI) that could blatantly be skewing the readings.

I've touched on this a little in my last post but I thought i'd dedicate a short post to this as I've come across a very useful video lecture by Kevin Cowtan, a computational Scientist from the university of York, to help explain why climate models could be trusted regardless of the effects of the UHI.

The lecture also makes good use of visuals to help explain the UHI, which may solidify some of the points from the previous posts to those who may still be uncomfortable with the topic. It could also act a brief introduction to some of the considerations that are made when developing models with regards to corrections to datasets.

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